Let's help Children's Hospital of Orange County!
Rebecca Lack
Rebecca Lack
Hi Family and Friends!
I'm super excited to say that Jessica and I are helping raise money for Children's Hospital of Orange County by participating in the 2017 CHOC Walk in the Park at Disneyland on August 27th!
I've recently heard two stories that have opened my eyes to how important this cause is, and I'd like to share them with you.
First, I watched a video of Jimmy Kimmel speaking about how his most recent child was born with complications. He cried as he spoke about how all of the hospital staff was extremely caring and compassionate and how they were able to save his baby's life. He talked about how fortunate he is to have the money and means to be able to provide his child with any treatment deemed necessary to save his son's life. This got me thinking about how so many families are not as fortunate, and don't necessarily have the money to deal with complications like this. The idea of a child not getting the treatment that could save his or her life, just because of money? This thought is truly devastating.
Second, the extended family of one of my close friends is currently going through a horrible situation in which their newborn is unable to breath on his and and therefore has been unable to come home from the hospital for months. His parents visit him every day, but the financial burden of giving their child the care he needs on a daily basis is an extremely heavy one. No parent should have to worry about these terrible financial burdens when they're already worrying about the life, health, and comfort of their child.
Please help me exceed my fundraising goal for the benefit of these children and families. Every dollar counts!
Thanks for any help you can give!!!