Download Tools
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There are plenty of materials available right at your fingertips to turn even a first time fundraiser into a pro! Download our tool kits to get a full overview of individual and team fundraising, print out posters to blanket your office or school with CHOC Walk spirit
or save your own CHOC Walk 2018 icons to promote the CHOC Walk on your social media!
Fundraising Tool Downloads
CHOC Walk Fundraising Tool Kit
CHOC Walk Donation Form
CHOC Walk Poster - 11" x 17"
CHOC Walk Team Goal Poster - 11" x 17"
CHOC Walk Can Wrapper
CHOC Children's Foundation W-9
CHOC Children's Foundation 501c3 Letter
Social Media
Don't forget to tag us when posting to Facebook and Instagram.
#chocwalk #chocfoundation #chocchildrens, @chocwalk & @chocfoundation
Social Media Images
Download the images below to share you CHOC Walk spirit on your social media, in your email signature, at work and at home.
Facebook Images

Facebook Profile 1 | Facebook Profile 2 | Facebook Banner | Luau Facebook 1 | Luau Facebook 2 | Luau and Walk FB Banner
Instagram Images
Twitter Images
Twitter Profile 1 | Twitter Profile 2 | Twitter Banner Image 1 | Twitter Banner Image 2