Fundraising Tips
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You Can Make a Difference
Get to your fundraising goal and beyond by following these simple tips to success! You can also download our
Fundraising Tool Kit, loaded with ideas to help you along the way. CHOC Walk fundraising has never been so FUN!

Personalize Your Fundraising Pages
Login to your Participant Headquarters and update your personal and team pages. Share your story about why you walk for CHOC. Pictures can say a thousand words-- make sure to upload a photo and inspire those who visit your page!

CHOC Walk FUNdraiser Mobile App
Download the mobile app in iTunes and Android market. The app will make it easy to fundraise on the go. Share your fundraising efforts with all your contacts. Use prewritten messages for texting, emails, and social media.

CHOC Walk Supplies
Get your supplies ready to go and promote your fundraising. Brochures, Save the Date cards, and posters are available for pick up at the CHOC Foundation office or can be mailed directly to you. We also have CHOC Walk tablecloths, CHOC easy ups and laminated poster boards for use at all your fundraising events. Email with your request.

FUNDrive with Savers
If you'd like to have FUN raising FUNDS for your CHOC Walk team do a FUNDrive with Savers. Savers firmly believes in creating a better world through reuse and sees potential in every item. Turn used goods into fundraising dollars for your team that supports CHOC. Sign up here: Savers will provide all the advertising tools to assist in your efforts. For questions regarding a Savers fundraiser, email them here.

Restaurant Fundraisers
Partner with a local restaurant to host a benefit night for your CHOC Walk fundraising. Many restaurants will work with you to pick a date, create a flyer and donate a portion of the proceeds towards your cause. Simply pass out flyers within your community to get people to attend your fundraiser and the restaurant will send you a check with the total earnings. Some of our favorites includes: Chipotle – 50% of the proceeds donated to your cause, Chick-Fil-A – 20% of the proceeds, Polly’s Pies – 20% of the proceeds, Wokano Restaurant – 10% of the proceeds. (Percentages may vary by location).
Social Media
Download the images below to share you CHOC Walk spirit on your social media, in your email signature, at work and at home.
Facebook Images
Facebook Profile 1 | Facebook Profile 2 | Facebook Banner
Instagram Images
Instragram 1 | Instragram 2 | Instragram 3 | Instragram 4
Twitter Images
Twitter Profile 1 | Twitter Profile 2 | Twitter Banner Image
Fundraising Downloads
CHOC Walk Fundraising Tool Kit
CHOC Walk Donation Form
CHOC Walk Can Wrap
CHOC Walk Poster - 11" x 17"
CHOC Walk Team Goal Poster - 11" x 17"
Cash and Check Donations
If you receive cash or check donations and would like to send them in prior to check in,
you can either mail or deliver them to our CHOC Foundation offices at:
Mail to: CHOC Children's
Attn: CHOC Walk
1201 W. La Veta Ave
Orange CA 92868
Deliver to: CHOC Foundation Office
505 S Main St, Suite 800
Orange, CA 92868