Walking for a Hero
Sample Event
Join us on sample date
Join us on sample date
Walking in Memory of a CHOC Walk Hero

"Walking for a Hero" was created to honor the CHOC patients that we walk in memory of.
To celebrate all our CHOC Walk heroes, every participant or team captain walking in memory of a child
they lost will be given a special "Hero Cape" to wear on the day of the Walk.
The cape colors for our first year were inspired by one very special CHOC patient
Carter Ankeny
from the CHOC Walk team #CarterStrongForever
To sign up to receive your own honorary "Hero Cape", please register on the
Walking for my Hero Form
**Only (ONE) cape will be issued per group or team in order to accommodate as many families as possible.**
Only available while supplies last.
Capes will be given out during CHOC Walk Check in
Thursday, August 23 - Saturday, August 25
(details available here)
***Capes are for this special event ONLY and cannot be worn during normal operating hours
at the Disneyland® Resort.***
If you will be entering the parks after the event you will need to place your
cape in your car or a locker outside the Resort.***
****NO capes aside from our CHOC Walk Hero Capes will be allowed in the CHOC Walk.****
cape in your car or a locker outside the Resort.***
****NO capes aside from our CHOC Walk Hero Capes will be allowed in the CHOC Walk.****