CHOC Walk 2017!
Michelle Kessler
Michelle Kessler
I am so stoked to do the CHOC Walk for my fifth year in a row! This will be my third CHOC Walk with my dad, AND it happens to fall on his birthday weekend – Sunday, August 27th.
So for those who don't know, the CHOC Walk in the Park is a 5K walk through Disneyland, California Adventure, and Downtown Disney (and then straight back to bed for like an hour in our hotel room before we are ready for going to the actual park to party like it's 1999 for Dad's birthday -- a totally separate outing).
How does it work? We each raise at least $85 to go, get up stupid early (roughly 4:00am), eat something, go through security, stand in front of the gates of Disneyland with or without the green army men from Toy Story, get shepherded through the gates and pour into Main Street until we start our walk. Oh, and we dominate on the fitbit challenges before any of you have had time to wake up!
The money raised goes to -- you guessed it -- CHOC (Children's Hospital Orange County)! CHOC provides the highest level of care not only to patients, but to the siblings, parents, and extended family that make up their critical support teams.
Please help both me and Dad reach our fundraising goals. We get sweet prizes, and maybe we’ll even share with you. Or you’ll at least get some sweet pictures out of it on Facebook and Instagram like the two up top (Toon Town at about 7:00am, and me with Dad at last year’s CHOC Walk). Last year we got to see Boba Fett and it was a dream come true. Plus this year, Dad has agreed do a light Disneybound with me!
Every little bit counts, from $5 to $50!
Hook Dad up with donations!!! It'll be his birthday weekend, after all.
>>> Dad’s link: chocwalk.org/MichaelNitzahn <<<
Thank you!!!
<3 Meeshie