Walking for Emma - Jamie's CHOC Page!
Jamie Lumley
Jamie Lumley
I am so excited to be participating in the 2017 CHOC Walk in the Park at the Disneyland Resort on August 27th to raise funds for CHOC Children's Hospital!
CHOC is very near and dear to my family. They have made a huge impact on our daughter's life. They have helped us since Emma was born at 31 weeks and spending over a month in the NICU to most recently as of this week, with her epilepsy by spending a four night stay for a prolonged EEG. But thanks to their special and wonderful medical team, we are definitely on the right path in helping Emma with her seizures.
The fundraising efforts of the CHOC Walk make an immediate impact on families going through the most challenging time in their lives. CHOC provides the highest level of care not only to patients, but to the siblings, parents, and extended family that make up their critical support teams.
Many Thanks,
Jamie & Emma and Mark