Welcome to Wendy's CHOC Walk Page!
Wendy Martinez
Wendy Martinez
I am so ecstatic to be participating in my 3rd CHOC Walk in the Park at the Disneyland Resort on August 27th, and raise funds for CHOC Children's Hospital to support my little buddy Justin.
Justin has overcome big obstacles in 10 1/2 years and continues to fight. He has Lissencephaly ARX , which means smooth brain. As with a lot of conditions there is a spectrum from mild to the most severe cases. Justin, unfortunately, is at the most severe end. Children with Lissencephaly are severely neurologically impaired. He has several seizures a day, even with seizure medications, is fed through a feeding tube and is significantly developmentally delayed. His chronic condition has made him a frequent visitor at Children's Hospital Orange County. He has been hospitalized an average of three times a year since birth, at times for several weeks. The last couple of years have been great and he hasn't had to stay in the hospital as much. He also sees 6 great specialty doctors on a regular basis - Neurology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Metabolic, Urology, and Orthopedic. CHOC has helped keep him healthy, safe, and comfortable and has given excellent medical expertise needed for his rare condition.
The fundraising efforts of the CHOC Walk make an immediate impact on families going through the most challenging time in their lives. CHOC provides the highest level of care not only to patients, but to the siblings, parents, and extended family that make up their critical support teams.
Please help me exceed my fundraising goal for the benefit of the children and families of Southern California. Donate now or join me at CHOC's magical morning at the Disneyland® Resort. Every dollar counts for kids!
Wendy Martinez