Welcome to my CHOC Walk Personal Page!
Rachael Byars
Rachael Byars
My good friend's son Wyatt had open heart surgery on May 2, 2017 at only 4 months old!
Wyatt has Tetralogy of Fallot, a congenital heart defect that forms in the earliest fetal stages. In fact, most babies have this CHD before mom even knows that she's pregnant!
Wyatt was treated at CHOC before he was born, and was delivered and treated there after. Because of the work and dedication of the people at CHOC, we all get to experience the joy that this little bubs has brought to so many.
Join us in raising funds for CHOC and spreading awareness for CHD! 1 in 100 babies is born with a congenital heart defect and that's too many! CHD claims more lives of children than all childhood cancers combined. Families go through so much to keep their children healthy. Frequent doctor visits, hospitalization, monitoring, surgeries and much more are constant struggles that heart warriors and their families have to endure.
Donate now or join me, Wyatt, and family at CHOC's magical morning at the Disneyland® Resort. Every dollar counts for kids!