Welcome to my CHOC Walk Personal Page!
Pamela J Morris
Pamela J Morris
We miss our sweet Dillan every day, we pray for him and all the children at Choc, especially the ones on the 5th floor (Oncology). I will forever be thankful for the loving care shown to Dillan and our family during his 105 days at Choc. We felt so blessed to have the support of friends and family during this time and are honored to support the Choc walk in his memory. Please consider joining our team (Love Letters Food Box) or sponsoring me in my effort to exceed my goal of $1,000.00.
The fundraising efforts of the CHOC Walk make an immediate impact on families going through the most challenging time in their lives. CHOC provides the highest level of care not only to patients, but to the siblings, parents, and extended family that make up their critical support teams.
Many Thanks,
Pam, Bob, Justin and Alicia Morris