I'm a Helper!
Roarie Regent
Roarie Regent
IT'S CHOC WALK TIME!!! The walk is on August 27th and I am so excited. This is our 6th year Justin's Helpers will be walking the 5k in honor of ME! I would love for you to join us! If you cannot, your support is great too.
I have overcome big obstacles in 10 1/2 years and continue to fight. I have Lissencephaly ARX , which means smooth brain. As with a lot of conditions there is a spectrum from mild to the most severe cases. I, unfortunately, am at the most severe end. Children with Lissencephaly are severely neurologically impaired. I have several seizures a day, even with seizure medications, am fed through a feeding tube and significantly developmentally delayed.
My chronic condition has made me a frequent visitor at Children's Hospital Orange County. I have been hospitalized an average of three times a year since birth, at times for several weeks. The last couple of years have been great and I haven't had to stay in the hospital as much. I also see 6 great specialty doctors on a regular basis - Neurology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Metabolic, Urology, and Orthopedic. They are all so nice and do a great job. CHOC has helped keep me healthy, safe and comfortable and has given excellent medical expertise needed for my rare condition. They are also so nice to my family. My mommy says they provide exceptional family centered care. They have provided a comfortable environment as our home away from home. My family and I would like to give back to CHOC what they have given me.
Thank you in advance!!!